String My Racquet provides quick and professional tennis, racquetball, badminton and squash racquet stringing service. We use the best racquet stringing machines, used by professional stringers at the US Open. Our stringers are Master Racquet Technicians (MRT), giving you the assurance of superior racquet service.
Our string prices include string, installation and delivery (pickup/delivery in local MD area or return by USPS®). To find out if we offer service in your area, call us at 888-390-7176.
Two ways to order:
Customers in Maryland (Frederick, Carroll, Montgomery and Howard counties).
Customers outside of MD or local pickup area
If you don't see the string that you want? No worries, we will get it! If you have a question, feel free to contact us by phone at (888) 390-7176 or send us a message by completing the form on the Contact us page. Call today for a consultation, and we can help you choose the right string, tension and grip that are right for your game.